Silvia Sviteková (1997, Banská Bystrica, SK)
is a graduate of Dance Theatre and Performance and Dance Art at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. During her university studies, she already created several original solos that indicate her artistic tendencies. Silvia likes to work with several media when creating. Her long-term fascination includes performance in public space, work with the object, as well as the effort to understand and especially grasp the experience, whether individual or collective. She likes finding the ambivalent nature of situations, balancing on the edge of embarrassment and gimmick, of humour and the bizarre. In her work there are clear inclinations to the conceptual perception of movement art and also the perception of the performance itself as a wide range of self-expression as well as social reflection. She considers openness during the perception of art to be important, as well as the overlap and interconnection of various artistic spheres. According to Silvia, the work should be personal and at the same time communicating towards society, responding to current contexts.
Already during her studies, she had the opportunity to collaborate on several art projects, exhibitions, and performances with the following creators: Sonja Pregrad (Diaries of Touch), Eva Priečková (ShSssh It'll Be OK!, LUSIJA), Yuri Korec (Solo Not Just For One Body,, Petra Fornayová (Manifest možností, Zelená je tráva), Marta Poláková (pODPORa, Endless Shift), Maja Štefančíková (Priestorové skice, Prchavé súsošie, Živý gradient), Dana Tomečková (Živý gradient), Stanislava Vlčeková, Jozef Vlk (Poses / Essencies / Traps, Open Call), Anton Korenči (Extinction of the West), Andrej Petrovič (Trust), Francesca Zaccaria (Bodies Garden), Cindy Hammer (Asphalworlds part 2). Her bachelor's thesis – a solo called Memory of Concrete is one of several original solos and performances that she has presented at various festivals (Nu Dance Fest, Kiosk, Vlna, SHARE). She also received an award in the Gala Art Moves competition for her work. Her latest performance, Žiadna veľká oslava, was presented as part of the Batyskaf 10080 project.